RKI's Tech Solutions

Integrity AI: Deep Fake Response

Deep fake technology can significantly impact businesses and organisations causing damage to a hard earned reputations. Integrity AI assures confidence in business reputations, being at the forefront of the dynamic intersection between artificial intelligence, leadership communications, and the ever-evolving landscape of deep fake threats. 


Near-Shore Software Development & Engineering

In association with our partners at BHI Consulting Ltd, we provide near-shore globally competitive software development services and IT Engineering solutions through our CGT Subsidiary. CGT's engineers works with companies providing cutting-edge solutions, innovation and growth. CGT bridges the gap between international and regional clients and the immense untapped potential of Caribbean software engineers.


Cannabis Expressions APP

Live. Love. Express.Cannabis Expressions is the world’s first exclusive Cannabis Social Media APP. It is space where the international Cannabis community comes to interact and connect with each other. Cannabis Expressions is revolutionary in light of the Global Moves to legalize and decriminalize Cannabis. In Canada, the United States, The Caribbean and in other areas of the world.